Tag: Puzzle

Raji Review - Featured Image
Elle Robson

Raji: An Ancient Epic Review

Puzzles and parkour with a Hindu and Balinese twist make for a remarkably beautifully crafted game

Community Contributions

Opinion: On Magrunner and Fhtagn

You had one job Magrunner, one job! And you couldn’t even get magnets right! Well, technically they’re not actually magnets, they’re some sort of proprietary

Dave Spanton

The Swapper – First Glance

Dave is joined by Dave, Dave Dave and Dave to take a look at clayawesome The Swapper. The question is, with Dave and Dave here, will Dave be able to control Dave and Dave, or will Dave just… Dave Dave DAVE.

Dave Spanton

Bridge Project – First Glance

BRIDGES! Multiple Bridges! Multi-Bridge drifting. 420YOLONOSUPPORTBRIDGES! Dave takes a look at Bridge Project. Game of the Year contender right here! Move over Bioshock, we have a real story to tell.

Dave Spanton

Fly’N – First Glance

Dave takes a look at the colourful Puzzle Platformer Fly’N. He is the master of the platforms, but is he the master of puzzles?

Dave Spanton

Unmechanical – First Glance

Dave checks out floaty-propeller-head puzzle game Unmechanical, in which he plays with glowy balls and solves physics-based puzzles involving tubes!

Dave Spanton

A Virus Named Tom – First Glance

As we all know, Dave is exceptionally bad at puzzle g… Wait a minute! Dave manages to suck less than expected at puzzle games today, as he tries out brilliant indie title A Virus Named Tom.

Dave Spanton

Splice – First Glance

Watch Dave get his cells in a bunch as he takes a look at a unique puzzle game, Splice – the latest game from Cipher Prime Studios (The guys behind Auditorium and Fractal).