Tag: Dave

Dave Spanton

LT3 “Top 3” 2012 – Dave

What happens when you bring together the 4 main guys from LThan3, sit them down and ask them what their top 3 best games from 2012 were?  This happens! Here are Dave’s picks.

Dave Spanton

Hotline Miami – First Glance

What happens when you take 2 parts Scarface, 1 part Smash TV, 1 part ultraviolence and 3 parts strategy and shake well? Hotline Miami would be the answer. Dave and Fluke take a look a quick look in between interviews at a game that many at Rezzed were impressed by.

Dave Spanton

Carmageddon Interview – Rezzed 2012

Dave and Fluke sit down to chat to Ben Gunstone from Stainless Games to talk about the upcoming re-release of Carmageddon, the kick-starter campaign and how it felt to relaunch Carmageddon.

Bounce off – Behind the scenes

Writing is something that I enjoy personally, and so it makes me even happier that now we have this wonderful platform when it comes to

Dave Spanton

Magic 2013 – First Glance

Dave and Kel take a look at the new “Planeschase” mode in Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013, not to be confused with Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 or Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers.

Dave Spanton

Krater – Review & Giveaway

Dave and Fluke sit down to discuss Krater. After having been stranded without an Ikea for a few days, how exactly are they doing?